University of Advancing Technology (UAT) maintains a climate of academic freedom ensuring open expression of ideas to promote learning. Academic freedom encompasses freedom of inquiry, thought, expression, and publication. Within UAT's established learning methodologies and policies, employees are provided with the freedom to make decisions that enhance student learning experiences and ensure established learning outcomes are met.
Employees have the responsibility and freedom to thoughtfully create and deliver learning experiences that accomplish established program goals within the University's established learning methodologies, policies, and expectations set forth in University policy and the Faculty Handbook. All UAT employees are both free and expected to use their experiences and insights to design materials and employ environments targeted for the particular needs of their learners. Employees are free to express their distinct views in discussing their subjects in furtherance of the objectives associated with the programs and courses that they are instructing and may not be penalized for doing so.
Revised 03/2019
Each manager is responsible for making their department a safe place in which to work and should report any safety hazard or unsafe practice.
Employees are to report all accidents that occur during work hours to their manager. Organizational Development (OD) in order to begin a worker's compensation claim. If the manager or employee feels that first-aid and/or services of a doctor are necessary, the manager should arrange for this service immediately and then notify OD.
Revised 03/2019
University of Advancing Technology (UAT) does not discriminate in hiring or employment to any qualified persons on the basis of sex, race, color, age, national origin, religion, disability, veteran status, gender identity and/or sexual orientation. As a federal contractor, the University is committed to affirmative action in employment for women, minorities, individuals with disabilities and covered veterans.
Managers and other personnel responsible for hiring and admissions must take all necessary action in the elimination of possible discrimination towards employees, applicants for employment and enrollees of University of Advancing Technology.
The University will keep an up-to-date record of all employees classified by ethnic distribution, sex, and job classification to be maintained and annual reports to be submitted to the Equal Opportunity Commission annually.
All employees will be advised at time of employment that we are an Equal Opportunity Employer and that hiring, promotion or demotion is based only the individual's qualifications and ability to perform the work.
The University has appointed Organizational Development to serve as the Equal Employment Officer/ Affirmative Action Officer who are authorized to supply reports and represent this company in all matters regarding this Equal Employment Officer & affirmative action program. The designated official shall work with each department manager and other selected officials to further the implementation of these programs and monitor the progress being made.
Revised 03/2019
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted to extend to people with disabilities civil rights similar to those now available on the basis of race, color, sex, etc., through the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The ADA became effective July 1992 and prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability.
University of Advancing Technology does not discriminate on any basis and, indeed, welcomes employees with disabilities. The college's facilities have been designed with many special accommodations for the disabled.
The ADA is a very positive piece of legislation and the college happily complies with all of its provisions. As an employer of more than 25 persons and as a public service provider, the ADA affects the college in two areas: Employment of Americans with Disabilities and the Servicing of these persons.
Individuals may not be disqualified from a position solely on the basis of a physical or mental disability. They shall, however, be required to meet the basic qualifications of the job such as skills, experience and education, as well as meet any safety requirements physical or mental impairments include, but are not limited to: visual, speech, and hearing impairments; mental impairment, emotional illness, and specific learning disabilities; cerebral palsy; epilepsy; muscular dystrophy; multiple sclerosis; orthopedic conditions; cancer; heart disease; diabetes; and contagious and noncontagious diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV disease (whether symptomatic or asymptomatic). The ADA prohibits discrimination against disabled individuals in employment and includes specific requirements to require "reasonable accommodation" of known disabilities.
"Reasonable Accommodation" is - making existing facilities readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities; job restructuring, reassignment or modified work schedules are included. An employer is expected to provide a cost effective and timely accommodation - an employer is not expected to endure "undue hardship" in order to accommodate. This is defined as "Significant difficulty or expense incurred in making accommodations." Additionally, "Discrimination" may also be segregation or separate promotion paths for disabled employees, or the use of disability-related questions in employment applications.
Both the University and its employees may be held liable for acts of discrimination.
All individuals involved in hiring or managing people must ensure that hiring, managing, disciplining, promoting, training and firing is done solely on the basis of individuals' performance, qualifications, etc. and never on the basis of disability. Any qualified individual must be fairly considered for employment, assignments and promotion. Additionally, managers should meet with the management team and others to brainstorm on ways to accommodate qualified disabled employees and give them the chance that they deserve.
All discrimination complaints must be immediately brought to the attention of Organizational Development.
A copy of the Americans with Disabilities Act along with guidelines is kept on file in Organizational Development.
Revised 03/2019
University of Advancing Technology does everything it can to create the safest working and learning environment possible for UAT students, employees and guests. There may be circumstances at times; however, that are beyond our control. The Office of Campus Safety and Campus Facilities managers have emergency plans and procedures for all UAT employees and students to follow in case the building is evacuated. The Office of Campus Safety or a UAT Manager will have the responsibility of determining the need for an evacuation, as required based on the incident. Evacuation may be required to protect employees and students who are in the building. Some of the common reasons there may be an evacuation include (but are not limited to):
In any situation there may be key individuals that are required to stay within the building. In order to prepare the University's employees and students to respond promptly in emergency situations the Office of Campus Safety and Campus Facilities will maintain and test evacuation procedures and the University's emergency notification system. Additionally, the Office of Campus Safety will perform evacuation drills and will test and inspect the University alarm and other emergency systems. All educational activities, system tests, drills and all other information pertaining to emergency procedures will be documented by the Campus Safety Dept. UAT employees and students are responsible for educating their guests on these procedures and the location of emergency exits in order to ensure their safety. Emergency procedure booklets are posted throughout the University along with an evacuation map in every learning area. Students and employees can learn more about evacuation procedures and emergency situations by contacting the Office of Campus Safety.
Revised 03/2019
The University of Advancing Technology is a uniquely safe and secure community in a larger urban setting. The University is committed to maintaining this safe and secure learning and working environment for all students, employees and guests. All University students, employees and guests are ultimately responsible for their own personal safety and the security of their belongings. The following safety and security principles are in place to aid the University community in maintaining the safe and secure campus that we enjoy today:
The University sees itself as a unique community of technological sophisticated students and staff that have learned to collaborate and team together to address a myriad of challenges educationally and professionally. The commitment to safety at the University is based upon a philosophy that the institutional capacity to team and use technology produces results that are superior to simple individualistic approaches. Consequently the safety philosophy is based upon three key elements:
These principles are set forth to create a foundation of safety systems that will be designed and employed by the Office of Campus Safety as well as all of the institutional departments of the University. These principles will find expression in the interactions with students, faculty and staff, and ultimately strengthened by the coordination of the Office of Campus Safety.
Campus safety requires that students and employees assume reasonable responsibility for their own personal safety. In this regard all students and employees must take common sense precautions to assure the safety of themselves and other members of the University community. Students and employees are encouraged to attend safety and security related events to learn more about personal responsibility and protection.
The Facilities Department maintains the college buildings and grounds with a concern for safety and security. The Facilities Department makes regular inspection of all facilities making prompt repairs affecting safety or security. Any student or employee who notices a condition that could create a safety or security risk should notify the Facilities Department immediately at 602-383-8228, or submit a facilities work order on the intranet.
If you witness emergencies involving personal safety or property call 9-1-1 immediately and then report the incident to Student Services or the Office of Campus Safety. All other suspicious activity and hazardous conditions should be reported to a designated safety officer on duty. It may also be prudent to contact the Tempe Police by calling the non-emergency phone number: 480-966-6211.
Integral to the University Safety Philosophy is the principle that any imminent or sustained danger to the safety of our community must be communicated as quickly and broadly as feasible to give necessary information that will enable students and employees to take reasonable steps to ensure their own individual and collective safety. Warnings may utilize multiple communication paths such as emails, text message, and person to person communication. In addition to these immediate communication options the University, through the Office of Campus Safety, will provide students and employees notice of any sustained or prolonged danger through the necessary technological communication channels. The warning by the Office of Campus Safety will contain the information necessary to employ all appropriate steps necessary for each member of the community to maximize his or her safety. All incidents must be recorded immediately.
In the event of an imminent threat to the safety of students or employees all members of the community are expected to utilize the email group to communicate the nature and extent of the threat throughout the University email system.
In compliance with Federal law, Title 34 CFR part 668.46 the University makes available to students, employees, and prospective students campus crime statistics as required by the Department of Education regulations. Crime Statistics are available at:
For more information, the University's current Annual Security Report is available at: You may print a paper version of the Annual Security Report from this link or contact the Office of Campus Safety or a member of Student Services to obtain a paper copy. If you would like a copy mailed to you please include your full name and mailing address with your request.
Questions, concerns and comments regarding campus safety should be directed to the Campus Safety Manager at 480-351-7896
Revised 03/2019
Employees should keep the University of Advancing Technology advised of any changes in their address, phone numbers marital or family status in timely manner so that their employee file can be updated.
Revised 03/2019
The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments require the University of Advancing Technology to adopt and put into effect a program to prevent the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of illegal drugs or alcohol by students and employees on University property or in University facilities, or at University events and to offer an anti-drug and alcohol abuse program.
The University of Advancing Technology is committed to maintaining an environment free of illegal drugs and drug and alcohol abuse. The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (effective 9-1-90) require the distribution of the following information to all students and employees.
Sale, use possession or distribution of prohibited drugs or controlled substances, is prohibited in college buildings or ground and at college-sponsored events. The term "drug" covers all controlled substances as defined in Chapter 34 Arizona Revised Statutes Section 13-3401 to 13-3422. Offenders are subject to college discipline, up to and including dismissal from the college or termination of employment and referral for prosecution.
An employee convicted of any violation of the criminal drug statutes for activities in or on property owned or controlled by the University or at activities sponsored by the University must notify his or her Manager or Provost of the conviction, in writing, within five calendar days of conviction.
Narcotics such as opium, morphine, and heroin can cause euphoria, drowsiness, respiratory depression, constricted pupils, and nausea. The symptoms of an overdose of narcotics are slow and shallow breathing, clammy skin, convulsions, coma, and possible death. Persons experiencing withdrawal from addiction to narcotics can experience watery eyes, runny nose, yawning, loss of appetite, irritability, tremors, panic, cramps, nausea, chills, and sweating.
Depressants such as barbiturates and quaaludes can cause slurred speech, disorientation, and drunken behavior. An overdose of a depressant results in shallow respiration, clammy skin, dilated pupils, weak and rapid pulse, coma, and possible death. Withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, insomnia, tremors, delirium, convulsions, and possible death.
Stimulants such as cocaine and crack can cause increased alertness or euphoria, an increased pulse rate and blood pressure, insomnia, and loss of appetite. An overdose of stimulants results in agitation, and increase in body temperature, hallucinations, convulsions, and possible death. Withdrawal symptoms include apathy, long periods of sleep, irritability, depression, and/or disorientation.
Hallucinogens such as LSD and amphetamines cause illusions and hallucinations and poor perception of time and distance. The effects of an overdose include psychosis and possible death.
Marijuana and hashish can cause euphoria, increased appetite, relaxed inhibitions, and disoriented behavior. The effects of an overdose include fatigue, paranoia, and possible psychosis. Withdrawal symptoms include insomnia, hyperactivity, and decreased appetite.
Alcohol consumption causes a number of marked changes in behavior. Even low doses significantly impair the judgment and coordination required to drive a car safely, increasing the likelihood that the driver will be involved in an accident. Low to moderate doses of alcohol also increases the incidence of a variety of aggressive acts, including spouse and child abuse. Moderate to high doses of alcohol cause marked impairments in higher mental functions, severely altering a person's ability to learn and remember information. Very high doses cause respiratory depression and death. If combined with other depressants of the central nervous system, much lower doses of alcohol will produce the effects just described.
Repeated use of alcohol can lead to dependence. Sudden cessation of alcohol intake is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms, including severe anxiety, tremors, hallucinations, and convulsions. Alcohol withdrawal can be life threatening. Long-term consumption of large quantities of alcohol, particularly when combined with poor nutrition, can also lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and the liver.
Mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to infants with fetal alcohol syndrome. These infants have irreversible physical abnormalities and mental defects. In addition, research indicates that children of alcoholic parents are at greater risk of becoming alcoholics themselves than children of non alcoholic parents.
The University must notify the appropriate federal agency (e.g., Department of Education) of the conviction of any employee or student worker paid in whole or in part by agency funds within ten days of receipt of the notice of conviction of a drug or alcohol related offense. The University must also make a good faith effort to maintain a drug-free workplace, offer drug awareness education, assist students and employees seeking treatment or rehabilitation, notify employee and students of its policy, and implement and enforce the policy.
The sale, dispensation or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on campus unless specifically authorized at an event approved by the Officers of the University. In all other cases possession, consumption, or distribution of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
Compliance with the provisions of the University drug and alcohol policies is a condition of attendance at the University. Violators of these policies are subject to discipline, up to and including expulsion from college and referral for prosecution.
Compliance with the provisions of the University drug and alcohol policies is a condition of employment. Violators are subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment, referral for prosecution or corrective action as the college deems appropriate.
Student workers are subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment, referral for prosecution or corrective action as the college deems appropriate.
Permission to consume alcohol on University property at a specific event must be requested in writing and granted in writing by the Officers of the University.
For the dispenser of alcoholic beverages, the following provisions of the Arizona State law pertain.
No person shall sell, deliver, give away, or cause, permit or procure to be sold, delivered, or given away any alcoholic beverage to someone under or appearing to be under the age of 21 years. The dispenser is obligated to demand proof of legal age whenever in doubt.
In Arizona, anyone under the age of 21 years who presents false or fraudulent written identification in order to secure alcoholic beverages is guilty of a criminal offense.
A person who knowingly possesses or uses marijuana in Arizona is guilty of a felony.
All states prohibit drinking and driving. In Arizona, it is unlawful to operate a motor vehicle if the operator or person in control of the vehicle is impaired in the slightest degree. A person convicted may serve ten days in jail or more and pay a fine of no less than $250.00.
The rules and penalties for drinking and driving apply to driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of illicit drugs.
Students seeking counseling in college or referral to community services for drug and alcohol abuse should call or visit the Office of Student Services located in the Student Office.
Employees seeking counseling and referral to community services for drug and alcohol abuse should seek assistance from The Department of Organizational Development. For information concerning these programs, call the Department of Human Resource (
For additional assistance or counseling, students and employees can contact the following agencies and programs:
Office of National Drug Control Policy Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse
PO Box 6000 Rockville, MD 20849-6000
Telephone: 800-666-3332
The Partnership for a Drug-Free America (local office)
3030 N. Central Avenue Suite 509
Phoenix, AZ 85012
Telephone: 602-264-5700
US Drug Enforcement Agency, Phoenix Division
Telephone: 602-664-5600
Community Bridges, Inc. - East Valley Addiction Recovery Center and Outpatient
560 S. Belleview Room A
Mesa, AZ 85204
Telephone: 480-962-7711
RI International
2701 N. 16th St. Suite 316
Phoenix, AZ 85006
24-hour help: 866-481-5361
Telephone: 602-650-1212
East Valley Substance Abuse Center
1550 E. University Dr. Suite F-1
Mesa, AZ 85203
Telephone: 480-833-8122
TERROS Behavioral Health Services
4909 E. McDowell Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85008
Telephone: 602-685-6000
Alcoholics Anonymous
Salt River Intergroup
3215 E. Thunderbird Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85032
Telephone: 602-264-1341
EMPACT (suicide prevention center)
618 S. Madison Dr.
Tempe, AZ 85281
Telephone: 480-784-1514
Saint Luke's Behavioral Health Center
1800 E. Van Buren St.
Phoenix, AZ 85006
Telephone: 602-251-8535 or 800-821-4193 (if calling from out of Arizona)
Revised 03/2019
Build a unified compensation plan that is cross divisional, rewards behavior that the University wants to reinforce, lasts for the foreseeable future, is designed to provide non-management growth, and attributes for compensation are relative to the job. This puts managers on the same side as employees to find and retain people key positions and improve competitiveness.
Employees are expected to learn as much as they can from their current job positions and then advance to the next level through education and increased responsibilities. Compensation for each position is based on the role performed. The University has created evenness across all divisions for compensation, and to negotiate salaries outside the constraints of the plan is highly discouraged.
UAT uses a 5 Year Strategic Plan with Ambitious Action Plans. The compensation plan addresses the budgeting process and implementation of the strategic plan and blueprints by creating timely opportunities within the budget process to inventory the positions in grades and families, create plans for growth of our people, and align staff resources with the goals for the budget period.
Ideal candidates for becoming part of the UAT family have a specific set of values: Lifelong Learning, Integrity, Continuous Improvement and Teamwork. They possess a quality and work ethic that reinforces solid job performance as well as the culture within the UAT community. These qualities are discovered during the hiring process by ensuring that the ideal candidate questions are covered.
The ideal candidate understands and participates in the small private college community, values education, is teachable and continuously improves, loves geeks and, has a passion to work with and understands our distinctive geek culture. Employees of the University are expected to participate in on-going training, and should expect to grow personally and professionally. Candidates are expected to act with integrity, be good digital citizens, be smart, and own what they do.
The qualities of the ideal candidate are reinforced after their arrival through the institution's values and commitments to growing individuals through the allocation of resources to training and professional development, the ability to grow as a manager or individual contributor, and to demonstrate intelligence by owning what they do.
In addition to this compensation plan, the University will continue to offer a generous benefits package; including tuition reimbursement and other benefits as listed on the employee benefits page.
Revised 03/2019
UAT encourages and supports its employees in their desire to obtain a degree. It is our policy to aid all employees in the completion of job-related educational credentials through structured participation in any program of instruction offered by UAT.
Any full-time employee who has completed his/her probationary period and is in good standing may apply to attend classes for the purposes of acquiring or completing degree requirements. Employee participation must adhere to the following policy.
Dependent recipients of these scholarships are regarded as "good will ambassadors," and shall act accordingly at all times. Additionally, to remain eligible for dependent scholarships, the employee must remain a full-time employee in good standing, and the dependent student attending classes must be in good standing and meet all minimum requirements for satisfactory academic progress as defined in the college catalog. If an employee resigns or is terminated prior to completion of a program by a dependent, the dependent scholarship will cease at the end of the semester. The dependent will be allowed to finish out his/her current semester under the scholarship, but will then need to make financial arrangements to continue on with his/her education.
Employees and dependents on a UAT scholarship may only take Financial Aid in the amount up to the cost of attending UAT. Stipends will not be given (other than Pell) to those on a UAT scholarship.
Revised 09/2020
In accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, University of Advancing Technology is committed to informing the public about U.S. Copyright Law.
The University provides resources for University-related duties and responsibilities. The improper or unethical use of these resources is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized copying, downloading, uploading, sharing, installing, or distributing of copyrighted material for which UAT or the end user does not have express permission to use or does not fall within Fair Use guidelines is strictly prohibited.
Disciplinary action may include referral to the Disciplinary Committee, and in cases of repeat offenses, action may also include loss of access to UAT networks. In addition to any University action, the copyright owner may also take further legal action against the individual concerned.
Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.
Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or "statutory" damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For "willful" infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys' fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505.
Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.
For more information, please see the Web site of the U.S. Copyright Office at
Under the terms of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), the University has filed a designation of agent for notifications of claims of infringement pursuant to Section 512(c) of the Copyright Act. Any take down notices or notices of copyright infringement should be sent to the designated agent on file.
Revised 03/2019
Credit hour information can be found here.
Revised 03/2019
The University of Advancing Technology's objective is to establish an environment where employees project professionalism yet are still comfortable within the workplace. Because not all clothing is suitable for the office nor promotes professionalism, guidelines are needed to determine what is appropriate to wear. Employees are required to dress professionally; business casual (i.e. khaki pants and polo) at the minimum. These standards are established to maintain a neat appearance, improve our overall conduct, make a positive impression and meet the expectations of our constituents.
Monday-Thursday and any other business casual dress days:
Fridays that are not deemed business casual and other casual days:
All standards listed above are still required with the following exceptions:
Unacceptable on all days:
Established exceptions for specific positions
Any employee in violation of UAT's dress code policy may be asked to return home, change and make up the missed time within the work week. Repeat offenses may result in the offending employee being placed on a performance agreement.
Revised 03/2019
The UAT community consists of employees, faculty and staff, all of whom are expected to maintain a high standard of ethics, behavior and purpose. UAT employees are important and vital members of this community because they represent the University in all of their personal and public endeavors, both on and off campus. Employees carry the obligation to conduct themselves in a manner that is responsible, professional, ethical and beneficial to themselves and other members of the University community. These expectations hold true on campus and wherever they represent the University in any capacity.
In addition to this code of conduct, employees are subject to general standards of conduct for employees, requirements made under the UAT employment agreement, and UAT’s policies and are expected to meet any professional standards of conduct or ethical requirements applicable to their department.
Those acting on behalf of University of Advancing Technology, have a general duty to conduct themselves with honesty and trustworthiness, with efficiency and effectiveness, and to demonstrate accountability and compliance with state and federal laws, and Board policies and system procedures.
To the extent a provision in this procedure is determined to be inconsistent with terms of a statute, policy, procedure or applicable bargaining agreement, the statute, policy, procedure or bargaining agreement governs. If you have questions regarding application of the employee code of conduct, contact your supervisor or the Organizational Development.
Employees are obligated to avoid situations that involve a potential conflict of interest with University of Advancing Technology. If an employee feels that they are involved in a situation/decision (e.g. financial, familial, consensual relationships etc.) that may be a potential conflict of interest, they should work with their direct supervisor for resolution. Consensual relationships between employees at UAT need to be disclosed to Organizational Development before any conflicts could arise. If you have questions regarding these provisions, contact your supervisor or Organizational Development. A conflict exists when you:
A financial interest is not necessarily a conflict of interest. Employees of the University are allowed in certain cases, to receive gifts and/or compensation from outside of the University based on the following provisions:
Some employees may be given University property in order to complete their day-to-day jobs. This property may include cell phones, laptops and other technology equipment required for their position. These items remain University property and should be used as such. This means that employees are to abide by all University policies and not break any laws when using this property.
University of Advancing Technology prides itself on being family oriented. As a result, we have many family members who work for the University. In order to alleviate the possible conflict of interest(s) that may arise, the University relies on all employees to use good judgment when making decisions that involve family members and to see the Conflict of Interest section of this policy for steps to ensure that a conflict does not arise. Examples of a conflict of interest are promotions, salary increases and other perks and benefits. Should an employee be involved in a conflict of interest with a family member, an objective third party with an appropriate position should intervene on their behalf.
In some cases, where an employee requires redirection or reprimand, it will fall on the family member or consensual relationship partner to discuss these issues with the employee. This may arise when a manager is uncomfortable reprimanding a familial employee, the family member recognizes the issue or the issue is an uncomfortable topic for anyone but the family member.
All University employees have a duty to adhere to the Employee Code of Conduct and make sure that there are no conflicts of interest in their decision-making. This is especially true for Recruitment, Admissions and Financial Aid Staff who are working with incoming students. It is essential that students are not given false or misleading information in order to further the goals of these employees. If a UAT employee feels that they are engaged in a situation that constitutes a conflict of interest, they need to report this issue to their direct supervisor for resolution and assistance.
UAT does not provide commissions, bonuses, or other incentive payment programs to employees or contractors for the purpose of securing enrollments of service members. UAT refrains from high-pressure recruitment tactics to secure enrollment of service members.
University employees are often engaged in work that gives them access to private information of students, other employees and University constituents. This means that all employees have a duty to protect this private information and only use the information for the manner in which it was intended. If an employee is in a situation where a breach of personal information may arise, they should contact their direct supervisor for assistance and resolution.
All University employees are bound by the rules set forth in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
As University employees, we must comply with all policies, rules and regulations. We are each responsible for being familiar with all policies and procedures that apply to our areas of responsibility. The following policies apply to all system employees.
Employees who have concerns, disputes or complaints about an experience at UAT must follow this procedure:
Should the manager be the source of the employee’s grievance, the employee should first try to resolve the issue directly and then seek assistance from Organizational Development.
All concerns that are legal issues (such as harassment or fraud) or a violation of the employee code of conduct should be immediately reported to Organizational Development.
Our system strives to provide all members of our community with a work and educational environment that is collegial and free of illegal discrimination or harassment based on race, sex color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, status with regard to public assistance or sexual orientation, or membership in a local commission as defined by law.
Employees embody a clear sense of ethical conduct in physical and digital worlds. They will promote and exemplify good digital citizenship and high ethical standards. Infractions of this order include, but are not limited to, illegal hacking, downloading/uploading of offensive material, digital theft or other actions, which contradict UAT policies and values, good ethical standards, or local, state and federal laws.
In order to ensure that we use our resources as effectively as possible and that we comply with the law, fraudulent and other dishonest acts are not tolerated. Employees are required to report fraud or other dishonest acts when they have a reasonable basis to believe such an act has occurred. Managers and supervisors are responsible for educating employees about proper conduct, creating an environment that deters dishonesty and maintains internal controls that provide reasonable assurance of achieving management objectives and detecting dishonest acts.
Examples of fraud or dishonest acts include taking cash or other property; making false time reports or reimbursement claims; forgery or alteration of documents or reports; improper handling or reporting of financial transactions or audit information; and incurring contractual or other obligations that exceed appropriations.
All University of Advancing Technology staff and faculty shall respond to and interact with UAT students in a professional manner, remain above reproach and in compliance with all federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations.
All staff and faculty must:
Revised 09/2024
UAT values the contributions made by its employees. As part of the employee benefit package, the University offers dependent undergraduate scholarship opportunities for full-time employees. Dependents eligible for benefits are defined as spouses and children of eligible employees. Dependents of employees must also be able to meet all current University admissions standards and follow all current University student policies as outlined in the college catalog.
Employees wishing to take advantage of this benefit should see Admissions for an application after verifying eligibility with their direct manager. If approved, their direct manager will reach out to Organizational Development to send the Employee Dependent Scholarship Agreement, which Director of Admissions receives final signature. Once completed, employee will work with an Admissions Advisor to complete enrollment.
In all cases, the cost of books, fees, and resources for UAT programs are the responsibility of the employee and his/her dependent. Scholarship amounts will be deducted from program tuition on a per semester basis, as classes are attempted.
If an employee uses the dependent educational benefit, they must stay employed for one year after completion of their program. If they do not, they may be charged one semesters tuition and fees.
Revised 02/2025
UAT values the contributions made by its employees. As part of the full-time employee benefits package, the University offers an extended family member undergraduate scholarship opportunity. Extended family eligible for benefits are defined as family members other than spouses and children of eligible employees. Extended family of employees must also be able to meet all current University undergraduate admissions standards and follow all current University student policies as outlined in the college catalog.
Employees wishing to take advantage of this benefit should see the Admissions Department for a UAT application. After verifying eligibility with the Organizational Development Department, based on availability.
Extended family educational scholarships to attend UAT begin when an employee has completed one full year of full-time service to the college. At no time shall an eligible employee have more than two extended family or dependent family members under scholarship at the same time. The scholarship for extended family members is a 20% tuition reduction for each semester.
In all cases, the cost of books, fees, and resources for UAT programs are the responsibility of the employee and their extended family members. Scholarship amounts will be deducted from program tuition on a per-semester basis, as classes are attempted.
All extended family members are expected to pass all of their classes, remain in good standing, and not drop or withdraw from any classes. Extended family scholarships will be revoked if the student does not meet SAP expectations.
If an employee uses the dependent educational benefit, they must stay employed for one year after completion of their program. If they do not, they may be charged one semester’s tuition and fees.
Revised 12/2020
Dependent recipients of these scholarships are regarded as "good will ambassadors," and shall act accordingly at all times. Additionally, to remain eligible for dependent scholarships, the employee must remain a full-time employee in good standing, and the dependent student attending classes must be in good standing and meet all minimum requirements for satisfactory academic progress as defined in the college catalog. If an employee resigns or is terminated prior to completion of a program by a dependent, the dependent scholarship will cease at the end of the semester. The dependent will be allowed to finish out his/her current semester under the scholarship, but will then need to make financial arrangements to continue on with his/her education.
Employees and dependents on a UAT scholarship may only take Financial Aid in the amount up to the cost of attending UAT. Stipends will not be given (other than Pell) to those on a UAT scholarship.
Revised 07/2020
The employment relationship between the University and the Employee may be terminated at any time, at the will of either party. Employees may be terminated from employment due to company needs or problems with employee performance or behavior. Company needs may include a mismatch of the human resource need of the University, the capability of the employee or changing needs of the University that create a mismatch or need for employee reduction. Except as hereinafter set forth, diligent, phased efforts to correct employee performance or behavior problems will be followed in advance of actual termination by the department manager. This policy covers the communication of the problem as well as the actual termination and represents minimum requirements.
All terminations will be completed with Organizational Development in attendance or by an OD representative. Terminations require a letter to the employee expressly stating their termination and an OD representative must be in attendance or carry out the termination.
Employment may be terminated when an employee's job (or a significant portion of that job) is no longer needed by the University or Department (subject to Presidential and Organizational Development approval).
UAT's employee benchmarks require above average performance. As a result, we reserve UAT employment for employees who exceed the expectations of their position. In the event that an employee is unable to consistently meet departmental goals or projects or unable to perform their job the employee may be immediately terminated subject to Presidential and Organizational Development approval.
*** This section is not meant to suppress innovation or risk taking, but is to be utilized for employees who are not performing at a high level consistent with UAT's requirements.
It is the intent of the University of Advancing Technology to make expectations of employees' performance and behavior clear and work with employees to meet company expectations. Management may, however, use its judgment to terminate employees immediately should the situation warrant (see section above).
Employee Performance or Behavior Termination Steps:
Note: If an employee refuses to sign a disciplinary notice or letter of expectations, or behaves in an uncooperative manner or gives the manager reason to believe that improvement is unlikely or that other negative results to the University or its members may occur, he/she may terminate the employee immediately.
In certain cases in order to protect the health and safety of students, or the best interests of employees, invitees of the University, or the University itself, immediate discharge of an employee may be warranted. The following list is not all-inclusive; Organizational Development has the discretion to determine other circumstances that meet the intent of this section.
In all cases except layoffs, severance allowance will not be offered. Student/part time workers, seasonal workers, and temporary workers do not qualify for severance.
The foregoing policy in no way create an express or implied covenant of continued employment, nor do they modify the "at will" status of employment of the employees of the University.
Revised 03/2019
The University of Advancing Technology will reimburse employees for certain expenses incurred to further the mission of the University provided that the expenses have been pre-approved by your Manager. For purchases outside of expense reimbursements, see Purchase Request policy.
All expense reimbursements will be documented on the UAT Expense Report form and must be approved by the appropriate Manager. All reimbursable items listed must be supported by detailed receipts and other specific documentation, as needed. Expense reports must be received by the Accounting department within the same calendar month the expense was incurred or within 5 business days of incurring the expense, whichever is earliest.
Expense reports should not be used to circumvent purchase requests or petty cash.
For travel related expenses, please see the Travel Policy.
Revised 03/2019
Effective August 5, 1993, The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was adopted by the University of Advancing Technology.
In order for an employee to take advantage of the UAT's FMLA policy, the employee must have worked for UAT for a total of 12 months AND worked 1,250 hours over the previous 12 months.
A covered employer must grant an eligible employee up to a total of 12 workweeks of unpaid leave during any 12-month period for one or more of the following reasons:
** A covered employer also must grant an eligible employee who is a **spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin of a current member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, with a serious injury or illness up to a total of 26 workweeks of unpaid leave during a "single 12-month period" to care for the service member.
Employees are required to use up paid leave first. If the employee's paid time off does not cover the FMLA leave time, the employee will take this leave without pay.
Revised 03/2019
University of Advancing Technology makes it a priority to place eligible students in on-campus student service-related jobs and off-campus community service positions utilizing Federal Work Study (FWS) funds awarded annually to the institution. FWS students may not work in non-community service jobs that are not student services.
All jobs will be posted to make them reasonably available to all eligible students.
Pay rate changes must be approved by FAO (Financial Aid Officer), as the student's eligibility to remain employed might be affected.
Students are limited to working up to the amount of the eligibility award. Once the funds have reached a zero balance the student can no longer work until additional funding has been established, students may be terminated at this time due to the needs of the department. Failure to re-establish FWS funding will result in the termination of the position for the student. FWS positions are limited to 20 hours per week to allow the students ample time for their studies.
If a student employee takes a Leave of Absence, withdraws from school or is no longer in Satisfactory Academic Progress, he or she may not continue to be employed as a FWS employee. A student on Academic Break who is scheduled to return and has indicated, in writing that he or she intends to do so, may remain in FWS employment.
Student services may include: jobs in financial aid, jobs in a library, peer guidance counseling, job placement, assisting an instructor with curriculum-related activities, (e.g., teaching assistant), security, social and health services, tutoring.
34 CFR 675.21(b), Student services definition cite 34 CFR 675.2(b)
Revised 03/2019
Illegal gambling and money schemes are strictly prohibited on campus, or in association with any UAT event or activity. Employee office pools (baby pools, Superbowl, NCAA Basketball Tournament etc.) are acceptable as long as they remain employee only events, with no student involvement.
Office pools related to specific events or activities are acceptable as long as no student participation is allowed, and 100% of all money collected is distributed to the pool winner(s). No portion of the money collected from an office pool may go to the pool organizer, or the "house," which would make the activity illegal in the state of Arizona. Employees involved in illegal gambling activities or money schemes, in direct violation of this policy, will be subject to a formal reprimand, suspension or termination.
Revised 03/2019
It is the intent of this institution to select high caliber employees who are an excellent cultural match. This policy will ensure a timely, effective and equitable hiring process to attract and select University employees. Managers are expected to follow this policy in all hiring decisions as this policy applies to all University employees.
All full time and faculty positions will require candidates to possess at minimum a bachelor degree.
UAT follows the guidelines outlined in Institutional Policies and Procedures for Determining Faculty Qualifications: HLC’s Criteria for Accreditation and Assumed Practices to ensure faculty possess the appropriate qualifications to teach in their assigned disciplines. Faculty qualifications may be established through traditional academic credentials or through tested experience that demonstrates equivalent expertise.
When a vacancy occurs or a new position is created for a Full Time Staff or Faculty Member:
The Hiring Manager of each department will submit a New Employee Request via email to OD for approval. From here, OD and the hiring manager will determine the order of interviews (OD, Manager and Officer) and proceed to interview multiple candidates until 3 excellent candidates are found. Once three excellent candidates are found, the hiring manager's officer will conduct final interviews. After all three interviews have occurred, the hiring manager, OD and the officer all must unanimously agree on a candidate. If a unanimous agreement cannot be made, the hiring process will start over from the beginning.
A background check and credit check will be run through OD. If a past felony, drug misdemeanor is found or the candidate is in default with their student loans then the candidate cannot continue through the interview process and will be thanked for their time.
The Hiring Manager shall notify candidates from the final round of interviews of the hiring decision.
Federal Work Study Employment (FWS), Part Time Student Employees and Temporary Employees will follow the above mentioned policy but will not be required to have more than one candidate for consideration or have an officer interview. The Organizational Development Department and Hiring Manager will jointly make the hiring decision.
Student workers and managers need to understand that school comes first for student employees. Should a student begin struggling in school once they start working for UAT, managers should try to assist the student and ultimately make the best decision regarding retaining the student employee based on the student's success in their classes. Student employees will be required to have and maintain at least a 2.5 CGPA to be considered for employment with the University. If a student drops below a 2.5 CGPA they will be given a warning and be required to move their CGPA to above a 2.5 within one semester. It is the manager responsibility to check the students CGPA. If this is not possible or does not happen, the student's employment will be terminated with the University.
A temporary position may not be open for longer than six (6) months. If the temporary position extends for over six months, the position must be changed to a permanent position.
Temporary employees and FWS employees may be let go prior to, or on, their expected commencement of employment date without completing the steps of the University's termination policy.
Long term Contracted Employees, Part Time Employees, Intern to Hire, Adjunct Faculty and Part-Time to Full time employees will follow the above mentioned policy but will not be required to have more than one candidate for consideration.
Adjunct faculty will require interviews with OD and an officer if they will be teaching more than two courses in a semester.
Part time to full time staff and faculty members will require a meeting between OD and the hiring manager prior to having a full time position offered to them. The decision to move the employee or faculty member to full time must be submitted to the officer team for approval.
The University believes that finding the right fit culturally is important. The University of Advancing Technology's 120 day probationary period allows both the employee and employer to make sure that both are satisfied with their employment before moving on to continuous employment.
All newly hired full time, ½ time, and ¾ time employees shall be placed on a 120-day probationary period (or the completion of one full semester for Faculty members). In the State of Arizona, UAT still retains the right of employment-at-will.
This time should be used by the employee and their manager to assess themselves on the job and in the culture to the fullest extent.
The University of Advancing Technology hiring policy exists to ensure that UAT selects the highest caliber applicants for all positions to advance the University's mission and vision. In order to accomplish this goal, UAT must recruit applicants from Arizona as well as from across the Nation. When it is in the best interest of UAT to facilitate the relocation of a staff or faculty member, UAT will provide out of state relocation assistance to the employee in accordance with the provisions of this policy and with manager discretion.
Organizational Development will be notified of the candidate and determine the hiring package. The amount will be dependent on the level of the position. For all Manager and qualified faculty positions a total of $3500.00 will be offered to the employee. For all other qualifying positions, an allowance of $1500.00 will be offered.
UAT will cover the cost of loading, unloading and transportation charges of the moving company, and travel to Arizona (including personal lodging, food and transportation costs) up to the maximum allowance. The employee will pay for any cost incurred by the employee in addition to the allowance.
Receipts must be provided to document all expenses, other than that of the moving company, and must be turned into accounting no later than 90 days of becoming a full time employee.
If the employee selects additional services from the relocation company, it will be at the cost of the employee. UAT will not cover the cost of packing, unpacking, cleaning or other expenses incurred outside of this policy. Deposits and rent are also excluded from the relocation allowance.
Revised 03/2019
The University of Advancing Technology believes that employees should work a complete and consistent workweek.
The normal work week is Sunday to Saturday with forty hours of work per week. *Hours of work and lunch hours will be scheduled by the department manager.
If non-exempt employees are required to work during a weekend, one day (for each weekend day required) in the week immediately prior to the weekend must be taken off.
All departments will ensure coverage from 9am to 6pm Monday through Friday in an effort to support our internal and external communities. Hours of work and lunch hours will be scheduled by the department manager to ensure proper coverage.
Some departments may have extended hours or may be required to be on call based on business need. The department manager will schedule staff appropriately.
The University of Advancing Technology philosophy is that non-exempt employees can complete their jobs within a 40-hour work week. However, we realize that occasionally there is a need for a non-exempt employee to work more than 40 hours per week. In these instances, all non-exempt employees will need to receive prior approval for overtime in writing from their manager or in cases where their manager is unavailable from their divisions’ officer.
In accordance with Federal Law, the University pays time and a half the employees base hourly rate for all hours worked over 40 in a work week. This means that any employee who has worked over 40 hours in a week will be paid overtime for any amount over 40 hours in a week. For overtime purposes, a week runs Sunday to Saturday. An employee who continually works overtime without prior approval may face disciplinary action.
The University pays employees on the 15th and last day of each month. If a pay day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, employees will be paid the Friday preceding the scheduled pay date. If a pay day falls on a holiday, the employee will be paid on the business day prior to the holiday.
All full time UAT employees are required to take a lunch break of one hour each day that they work. There may be circumstances where a manager allows for a shorter lunch, however, this allowance should be on a case by case basis and not as a permanent solution.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act amended Section 7 of FLSA March of 2010. Employees are provided with reasonable break times to nurse a child for one year after a child’s birth. Managers are encouraged to be flexible when developing a support plan for individual employee. If assistance is needed to set up a plan, please see Organizational Development.
Generally, when an employer requires or permits a nonexempt employee to attend training during the employee’s regular work hours, the time is compensable time. The training is required by law or otherwise required it is compensable. However, if the training is voluntary, is not directly related to the employees’ job, AND the employee doesn’t perform any productive work during such attendance the training can be paid at the employer’s discretion.
There are special attentions for travel time pay when nonexempt employees travel for overnight travels. Although, not all time spent traveling is paid, the following rules apply: When an employee is a passenger in a car, plane, bus, boat or train, only time that must be compensated is the time travel during regular working hours. This includes hours that may fall on a weekend or holiday, (i.e. 9-5). If the employee spends time working as a passenger, however, regardless of the hours, they must be paid for that time. When an employee drives at the direction of the employer, all travel time is considered work time (29 CFR 785.41); however, if an employee has the option to use public transportation and chooses to drive his or her own vehicle, the employer may choose to pay either the entire travel time or just the time that occurs during an employee’s normal work hours (regardless of what day of the week he or she travels) (29 CFR 785.40).
Revised 03/2019
UAT is an open environment where much of the data is public and/or non-confidential. That said, UAT will maintain "reasonable safeguards" (as defined by the current U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid Handbook) to protect institutional data and especially personal student information from being accessed by unauthorized parties.
In the event that an institutional data breach (believed or confirmed) has occurred, the breach will immediately be reported to the IT department for remedy and the IT manager for appropriate reporting and recording.
In the event that a security breach involving protected personally identifiable information (PII) data (believed or confirmed) has occurred, the breach will immediately be reported to the IT department for remedy and the IT manager for appropriate reporting. If confirmed, the breach, and remediation plan and status, will be reported to the U.S. Department of Education Security Operation Center, as required, per UAT's SAIG agreement.
UAT employees are not permitted, for any reason, to remove student records from campus either physically or digitally; including, but not limited to, mailing or electronically transmitting records to any personal device, address or otherwise.
Revised 03/2019
The University of Advancing Technology wishes to provide employees with spontaneous recognition, positive feelings and feedback from their peers for a job well done.
Catch someone doing something positive; outstanding service, kind actions, productive activities or above the call of duty quality work and reward them by filling out a kudo award on the intranet.
The Kudo recipient will be notified immediately through email that they are being awarded a Kudo and will receive a special treat soon after.
Revised 03/2019
In order to ensure that communications between the University of Advancing Technology, its students and employees are consistent and complete, all communication that is to be dispersed to students or employees must adhere to all University policies and procedures.
In order to increase the effectiveness of communication, various communication tools and services are available to both staff and students. Anyone who needs to communicate with staff or students may use the following tools and services:
All other communication tools not listed here should go through the work order system or other appropriate channels.
Revised 03/2019
University of Advancing Technology recognizes the fact that an employee may be justified, under certain circumstances, in accepting casual outside employment to be performed after working hours if no conflict with UAT’s interests is involved.
No employee shall accept or engage in any activity, business or employment that would conflict with or diminish the employee's ability to provide the University with the full, loyal and undivided service contemplated in their employment by UAT.
Employees must notify their manager of their decision to work a second job prior to accepting additional work. If the employee’s work performance may be affected, the time commitment of the new job may interfere with time worked for UAT, or if the employee is on any sort of performance plan, the Manager may ask the employee to resign from one of their jobs. If the Manager agrees that an employee may work outside of UAT, the Manager will send out the UAT Moonlighting Acknowledgement form via Bamboo for employee, Management, Organizational Development and Presidential approval. All four signatures are required for an employee to be approved to work outside of UAT.
If an employee is approved to work a job outside of UAT and their performance suffers, or they are put on a performance plan, the employee will be asked to stop any external work for at least one year.
Revised 04/2022
The Office of Campus Safety (OCS) is responsible for monitoring and controlling parking on campus. University students, guests and employees are expected to park as directed in authorized parking areas and to take responsibility for their vehicle and property.
Unauthorized vehicles on campus that do not display a UAT parking decal or visitor permit may be subject to the University's parking sanctions. Vehicle owners are responsible for their own personal property and are advised that any fees resulting from unauthorized parking are the vehicle owner's personal responsibility. Parking permits are sold on a semester basis and are required for parking on campus.
Parking on the UAT campus and other authorized parking areas may be used at your own risk. UAT is not liable for any theft or damage to a vehicle or to the personal property within a vehicle.
Parking may be open to all UAT community members for special occasions determined by the office of Organizational Development.
Per the Jeanne Clery Act, all universities must report certain crimes which occur on campus or properties owned/rented by a university. Vehicle theft, burglary or attempted burglary from vehicles are included in this reporting. Any crimes should be reported to OCS as soon as possible.
Revised 02/2025
UAT policies represent the lasting infrastructure of UAT decisions and historical decisions. Within legal bounds, policies can be created with great latitude to reflect the uniqueness of UAT; however, once created must be followed. Any exception to policy must be documented and approved by a letter from one of the senior officers of the University, usually the President, before the exception is made. This exception system is in place so that the Policy committee (described later) does not attempt to create a policy for every possible scenario, but rather general guidance that captures UAT’s decision in spirit a majority of time, but allows for good judgment when a predetermined approach doesn’t make sense.
UAT policies are regularly crafted, approved, maintained and communicated by a cross the management team and/or senior leadership representing all functional areas of the University.
The policy committee meets monthly; but maintains a moratorium on new policies over the summer months to ensure last minute changes are avoided before the beginning of the school year.
New policies or changes to existing policies are championed by managers or officers. Normally policies are pre-discussed with the policy committee members prior to bringing the policy to the meeting for discussion. A vote will then take place at the following meeting. Most policies will take at a minimum 2 months for approval. Exceptions may be made by officer approval for extenuating circumstances.
Student Policies are published in a singular location: the student catalog.
Staff Policies are published in a singular location as well: the intranet.
In the event a policy approval or change must be expedited, the Officers, or the CEO may executively approve the Policy. This power should be used judiciously to ensure proper insight is given to the policy, but also to ensure the managers of the organization are properly informed of the policy.
Scholarship, tuition, and compensation policies are always approved through an officer vote.
Revised 03/2019
Employees and students of the University of Advancing Technology are expected to utilize the provided resources in a professional manner and in accordance with the professional and/or educational development guidelines as set forth by the University.
The University controls a centralized login authentication for all data systems. University usernames are based on the name on the student record or the name on the HR file. Student usernames are the first three characters of the first name, and the first five characters of the last name and are entered as all uppercase characters. When there is more than one person with the same characters for a username, a numerical increment will be added as the last character.
UAT employees and students are required to change their network account passwords at least every 180 days. Passwords must be a minimum of 16 characters in length. At the time of account creation, a password is automatically generated. These auto-generated passwords must be changed immediately upon initial login. Accounts with unchanged auto-generated passwords will be automatically closed after one year without warning or notice. Passwords may not be shared with anyone, and all users are responsible for all activities conducted using their username ID. It is the users' responsibility to keep their username and password secure.
When applicable, University software is purchased under an educational license agreement. All University software must be used in accordance with licensing agreements. University resources (laptops, computers, servers, etc.) may only have approved University software installed. University software may not be installed on personal devices.
The University of Advancing Technology does not own the copyright to this software or its related documentation and, unless authorized by the software developer, does not have the right to reproduce it for use on more than one computer.
The installation and configuration of software (including games) on UAT systems is only allowed by University IT employees.
The University's network; including, but not limited to, computers, laptops, projectors, phones and studio's; are the IT Department's responsibility. Only authorized IT staff and interns may work on these systems. If any employee or student notices a problem, IT should be contacted through the online workorder system.
All students are expected to adhere to the University's Student Code of Conduct and all policies related to systems usage. All employees are expected to adhere to the hiring agreements and the code of conduct.
For more information specific to University laptops, please reference the Laptop Usage Policy.
Individuals who access electronic files or intercept network communications at the University of Advancing Technology or elsewhere without authorization violate University policy and may be subject to criminal, civil, and disciplinary penalties.
Hacking is defined as:
Furthermore, anyone is forbidden to hack into any outside computer system or network from one of the University's computers.
Those choosing to violate this policy will be subject to immediate disciplinary action, potential termination, and criminal and civil prosecution.
Revised 02/2025
University of Advancing Technology understands the need for flexible scheduling options for its employees. The University is open 365 days a year to both students and employees. UAT is a student first community, meaning the student experience must come first. If, at any time, the student experience is negatively affected by a flexible schedule, the schedule and/or the policy will be revoked. This allows for flexible scheduling of employee workdays and hours, including 4-day work weeks, 5-day work weeks scheduled any days Monday through Sunday, flexible hours of work, as well as telecommuting options.
All employees may work one day a week from home with approval from their manager. Employees earn additional days of telecommuting time based on years of employment with UAT.
For an employee to be eligible to telecommute, they must:
Faculty who are qualified to telecommute will work with the Dean of Faculty or the Associate Dean of Online Faculty and Programs on their approved schedule. All on-ground classes will be taught by the faculty member on-campus. In addition, office hours will be offered on-campus and at a time set by faculty management. Grading, course updates and student work feedback may be done while working from home, subject to approval by faculty management. Faculty who telecommute two or three days must work a full workday on the days they are on-campus.
In all cases, for both staff and faculty, the needs of the students and departments may require more time working on campus which will be prioritized and may not match the years worked schedule. All employees are encouraged to work with their managers to ensure their schedule will work with specific departmental and University needs.
All employees who work even one day from home must obtain a written agreement from their manager regarding working from home and their proposed schedule. In addition, Organization Development (OD) must be notified so a telecommuting agreement may be agreed to and signed by the employee. This agreement covers requirements for working from home such as hours, necessary computer equipment, reliable internet and safety obligations. Employees working from home must have a safe place to work while at home free of dangers and distractions.
Your work from home schedule may be different than your work on campus schedule. Your manager may require different set hours and may require a split shift work schedule.
Telecommute days will be pre-scheduled with your manager and are the same days each week unless an exception is made in advance.
UAT does not provide telecommuting employees with equipment or office furnishings for their home offices, as all employees may work full time at UAT’s campus using provided equipment onsite. Employees are responsible for equipping and maintaining their home offices so that they can accomplish their work efficiently and promptly. Depending on the nature of each job, this may require having a computer, printer, certain computer software, fax capabilities, data and telecommunications equipment, and other equipment available for their use.
If, while working from a designated workspace, the employee experiences technical issues with their computer or internet access that prevent the employee from working remotely, the employee should notify their manager right away to ensure coverage of the work and to get support for the issue. If interruptions to work are caused by internet outages, UAT may require the employee to work from the campus or an alternate location for the remainder of the day, or until the outage is fixed.
The employee is responsible for keeping documents, sensitive data, and other work-related materials confidential and secure in your home office location. For security purposes, no work can be done on a public Internet connection. This is to make sure that the data of students and of the business are kept as private as possible.
All employees are required to apply for a parking pass regardless of their telecommuting days (unless specifically hired for full time online work). On campus perks and benefits may not apply to those working from home, for example, free employee meals at the UAT Café are only available on the days you work on campus.
Employees may be asked to install software on their computers that will track their productivity.
There are several days that all employees are required to be on campus, regardless of their normal telecommuting schedule, including, but not limited to:
Working for long periods of time remotely (e.g. hired in other state with the intent to reside in that state and other long term exceptions to this policy) must have a written agreement and approval by the Officers.
Several positions may not have a set telecommute schedule due to the nature of their role or department needs. The following positions, including but not limited to, have been identified as jobs that are unable to Telecommute regularly:
Other positions may be added to this list as needed.
UAT believes that working from home can be beneficial to an employee’s mental health and productivity. However, not all employees work well from home and need the stability of coming into a place of work. As a result, the following circumstances will require an employee to work fully from campus:
UAT has the right to cancel or suspend employee telecommuting privileges at any time and for any reason. This is an experimental policy and may be revoked in its entirety, at any time, due to abuse or unintended consequences.
Revised 09/2024
The University of Advancing Technology believes that it is important for employees to take annual vacations and it is sometimes necessary for employees to take time off for personal illness, death in the immediate family or personal business that cannot be taken care of outside normal working hours. We expect employees to be sensitive to when they can take time off and request time off when appropriate for their jobs and the University and not to the detriment of their work performance.
Each full-time University of Advancing Technology employee earns 4 hours of personal time per month based upon the number of hours they work per week and their hire date for a maximum of six days during each of the employee's anniversary years. Full-time in this case, represents salaried employees working 30 hours per week or more. Personal time can be used as sick time or personal time.
Each part-time University of Advancing Technology employee earns 3.5 hours of personal time per month for a maximum of 48 hours per year. Part Time employees are not allowed to go negative in their personal time usage. Part time employees may only use this time for sick leave.
If a full-time employee does not use their personal time during their anniversary year, the time will roll over to the next year. Total personal time may only accrue up to 4 weeks or 160 hours and will not be paid out to the employee upon termination. Part-time employees may only accrue and rollover a max of 48 hours of personal time.
Full time employees will utilize personal time in 4 hours or whole day increments only. If the employee uses personal days prior to earning them, the employee's personal day balance will be allowed to go negative if approved by their manager and OD. Therefore, if the employee is terminated or resigns prior to earning the days already taken, the employee will be docked for the earned portion on his/her final pay.
Vacation time is based on the employee's full time start year and does not roll over each year but instead restarts on January 1st of each year. In January of each year, employee vacation accruals will be determined by employee tenure.
The employee must use all accrued vacation by December 31st of each year. Any accrued but unused vacation not utilized by December 31st of each year will be forfeited. It is the employee's responsibility to track vacation eligibility and timely notify their manager of scheduled vacation periods. The employee will utilize vacation days in 4 hour increments only. If a holiday falls within an employee's authorized vacation period, OD will not deduct this day as vacation time.
Full time employees may go negative up to 16 hours. Managers may allow an employee to negative in vacation time for specific events. If an employee resigns or is terminated and has used vacation time, any vacation time used that has not been accrued will be deducted from their last paycheck.
Each employee may request his preference for vacation time and whenever possible, he/she will be allowed to take his vacation as requested. Approval is at manager discretion and based on the needs of the department and the University.
Employees who change from part-time to full-time will accrue vacation time based on their full time hire date.
Faculty receive the same vacation time allowance as staff but are not tracked through OD and are instead required to work with their manager to ensure coverage and permission for their time off requests.
Revised 01/2024
The University recognizes the full-time employee's birthday as a paid holiday each year. Full-time in this case, represents salaried employees working 30 hours or more per week. Employees may take this day during their birthday week or the week after to their birthday with approval from their manager.
The University observes the following holidays, which are paid holidays for all full-time employees. If the holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be observed. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the Monday after the holiday will be observed:
Upon an employee's position being terminated with the University of Advancing Technology, no accrued personal time will be paid out. In addition, Faculty will not have any personal or vacation time paid out upon separation from UAT.
The University of Advancing Technology supports employees selected as jurors so that they may fulfill their civic duty.
Employees will be paid their normal salary or hourly compensation while on jury duty for up to 6 days in a calendar year. No overtime payments, if eligible for overtime pay, are made during time served on a jury.
At the end of the 6 days, Arizona has a lengthy trial jury fund that employees may apply for to supplement their income. In addition, employees may use their accumulated paid time off (PTO) if they wish to continue to be paid while on jury duty. Additional jury duty time may also be taken as an unpaid leave of absence.
If an employee reports for jury duty and they are dismissed, the employee is expected to report for work for the remainder of each day on which this occurs. If an employee does not need to report to the court on any day of their jury duty stint, they are required to come to work.
If an employee takes an unpaid leave of absence for additional days of jury duty, benefits such as health care, dental, vision, and disability will be continued and the normal payments that are made will be subtracted from pay upon return from the unpaid leave.
In no case will an employee's employment be affected due to jury duty.
Revised 04/2023
University of Advancing Technology offers paid bereavement leave to allow for employees to spend time with family members who are nearing the end of their life as well as time for mourning after the loss of a family member.
All UAT employees will be given three days of total bereavement leave for family members who pass in state and five days for family members who reside out of state or in the case of an employee who is directly responsible for making arrangements for the deceased. If additional time is needed, vacation or personal leave may be taken with supervisory approval. Bereavement leave is based on the normal days you were in a week. If you are a full-time employee, your leave will be paid at your full-time rate and based on your average hours worked. If you are a ¾ time or part time employee your rate of pay will be based on your average hours worked and your normal pay rate (for example if you normally work 12 hours/week and are given five days of leave, you will be paid for 12 hours at your normal rate of pay).
The University of Advancing Technology offers one day of sick time to employees upon a pet's passing. This is not official leave, but an additional sick day.
Revised 04/2023
The University of Advancing Technology is committed to providing equal opportunity to its students and employees, and to eliminating discrimination when it occurs. In furtherance of this commitment, the University of Advancing Technology strictly prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, religious creed, genetic information, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry, veteran status, or disability status.
The University of Advancing Technology Title IX Policy articulates how the University will respond to reported allegations of sexual harassment involving students, including sexual assault, and provides a consolidated statement of the rights and responsibilities under University policies and Title IX, as amended by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013. The policy describes how areas within the University will coordinate the provision of interim remedies and the prompt and effective investigation of allegations of Prohibited Offenses. Review the full Title IX Policy within the UAT Catalog.
This policy applies to all members of the University community, including students, perspective students, employees, perspective employees, faculty, staff, third party agencies contracted with the University and groups using the University facilities. It further applies to on- or off-campus behavior involving students.
For Title IX questions or to initiate a complaint, contact the Title IX Coordinators:
Brandi Beals or
(480) 351-7879
Renee Price or
(480) 351-7908
Revised 09/2021
In order to further the Mission and Vision of the University of Advancing Technology, employees are often asked to travel for business purposes. The University will pay for (in advance or by reimbursement) all travel arrangements that are necessary and relevant to the employee's job description and are assigned and approved by the employee's manager or an Officer. All travel must have prior approval via the purchase request system including per diems, conference fees etc. UAT does not typically issue credit cards to employees for any purpose including travel; therefore, it is necessary that the traveler be prepared while traveling with a personal credit or debit card to be presented at hotels for incidentals and unexpected expenses. Unexpected expenses will receive reimbursement approval from the employee's manager prior to incurring the expense or they may not be reimbursed
UAT employees who are booking travel, whether for themselves, another employee, job candidates or guests will do so in a fiscally responsible manner. This includes employees sharing rooms with one another (when applicable and appropriate), booking of hotels that are safe, comfortable and reasonably priced and booking travel as far out as possible. Please keep in mind that it is expected when attending conferences that you typically will stay at the host hotel. Flights are expected to be booked at the economy rate. Any upgrades for flights will be responsibility of the traveler. Nothing lavish will be reimbursed.
A Per Diem of up to $59/day will be given to employees (this does not pertain to students or employees that have a company issued credit card), to cover individual meals and incidentals.
Group meals, taxis, Uber/Lyft, etc., are not part of the per diem costs and should be approved by the employee’s manager prior to incurring the expense or they may not be reimbursed.
As aligned with the policy from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) mileage reimbursements will be done at the IRS published rate and will be reimbursed only above and beyond an employee's normal daily commute.
Travel will be researched and booked as soon as the employee or manager knows the travel requirements and with consideration for budgetary concerns. Travel must be booked a minimum of two-weeks in advance of the departure date. Any deviation will require manager or Officer approval.
Employees have behavioral and reporting expectations as a result of traveling on behalf of UAT. Employees will:
Due to recent tax law changes regarding the deductibility of travel, meals and entertainment expenses it is imperative that when submitting requests for reimbursement of expenses they are supported with a properly documented receipt. Please note on your receipts, the purpose of the business travel or meal and names of the attendees.
Revised 09/2023
UAT encourages and supports its employees in their desire to continue their education as lifelong learners. It is our policy to aid all employees in the completion of job-related educational credentials through structured participation in any program of instruction offered by UAT. However, in some cases, employees may require assistance to attend another College or University to improve upon their skillset for their current role or for a role that they are being grown into.
Any full-time employee who has completed his/her probationary period and is in good standing may apply for tuition reimbursement. Tuition reimbursement will be approved on a case-by-case basis, based on how the educational program applies to the employee’s current role or growth within the University. Tuition reimbursement is only paid for completed courses with a grade of B or higher.
Employees applying for tuition reimbursement need to email the Chief Operating Officer (COO) at and cc: their manager for consideration. The officer team will approve any requests for the upcoming semester based on the employee’s good standing, the amount of funds left in the Tuition Reimbursement budget and the benefit the educational program will bring to the employees’ position with UAT. The following information will need to be included in the email to the COO:
Employees need to be pre-approved before the courses or program start, and will have to then submit their B or above grades upon completion each semester for re-imbursement.
Revised 09/2021
Before committing to purchase any goods or services, an employee must submit a purchase request that undergoes a multi-step approval process involving the Department Manager, Officer, VP of Finance, and Treasurer.
For recurring expenses, a single original purchase request can be submitted, notating the annual cost and other pertinent information. In such instances, the Department Manager can initial and date all subsequent invoices. However, a new purchase request should be completed annually to reaffirm the validity of the expense. Purchase requests should be submitted with ample lead time.
All purchase requests must be completed through the employee intranet. The requester is responsible for ensuring all information is accurate and complete, including the description, source, cost, and justification for the purchase. If the final cost exceeds 10% of the original quote, a revised purchase request must be submitted.
For requests related to software, hardware, or facilities, the appropriate steps must be taken on the purchase request form to ensure accurate routing to the respective Department Managers. Prior to submission of a purchase request, the employee must discuss the scope, necessity, and available options with their manager.
Revised 02/2025
This policy addresses the ethical practices and procurement requirements associated with purchasing methods, supplier selection, comparative pricing, approval of purchasing transactions, signing authority, receipt of goods and services acknowledgment, and sales tax issues related to the use of Federal Financial Assistance funds or grants. This policy only applies to procurement and purchases subject to 2 C.F.R. Part 200. All other purchases are subject to the standard UAT University Purchases Policy.
Exclusions from Comparative Pricing
While the overall policy must be followed, the specific requirement for comparative pricing or sole source documentation is waived for the following categories of goods and services: investment management services (expenses uniquely and specifically related to investment asset management. These may include, but are not limited to: in-depth performance and risk analytics; specialized IT support and software for trading systems and platforms; confidential printing services; market and business studies; and research management), legal services, lecturers and guest speakers, portrait artists, musical professionals, theatrical artists involved in the production or performance of a live event, publishing fees, museum artifacts and art collections, rare books, and other rare collection materials.
UAT personnel shall purchase goods and services using practices that are compliant with federal and state laws and aligned with UAT’s effective practices.
Comparative Pricing
The process of procurement, through which the purchaser compares multiple pricing sources for a good or service and evaluates them to determine which is most advantageous. Comparative Pricing carries different requirements for procurement, depending upon the dollar value and source of funding.
Competitive Procurement
Formal procurement method required when the value of the procurement for property or services utilizing a Federal financial assistance award exceeds the Simplified Acquisition Threshold ($250,000.00). May be in the form of (1) sealed bids or (2) proposals.
Exceptions to the use of competitive procurement are provided for under 2 CFR § 200.320.
Diversity Suppliers
A supplier that meets the standards for small, disadvantaged, minority, and/or women-owned suppliers, as defined by the federal Small Business Administration.
An informal procurement process for the purchase of goods or services less than $10,000.
Procurement Conflict of Interest (“PCOI”)
When a UAT employee, officer, or agent, any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, or an organization which employs or is about to employ any of the parties indicated herein, has a financial or other interest in or a tangible personal benefit from a supplier considered for a UAT purchasing transaction.
A formal procurement method, when utilizing a Federal financial assistance award, in which either a fixed price or cost-reimbursement type contract is awarded. Proposals are generally used when conditions are not appropriate for the use of sealed bids, in accordance with 2 CFR § 200.320.
Purchase Requisition
The UAT department-generated source document required to initiate a Purchase. Purchase requisitions include a description of customer requirements, valid charging instructions and delivery instructions, and the required departmental manager approval.
Sealed bids.
A formal procurement method, when utilizing a Federal financial assistance award, in which bids are publicly solicited and a firm fixed-price contract (lump sum or unit price) is awarded to the responsible bidder whose bid, conforming with all the material terms and conditions of the invitation for bids, is the lowest in price, in accordance with 2 CFR § 200.320.
Simplified Acquisition Threshold
The dollar amount below which a non-Federal entity may purchase property or services using small purchase methods. This acquisition threshold is set by the federal government. The simplified acquisition threshold is currently $250,000.
Small Purchase Procedures Threshold
The acquisition of property or services, the aggregate dollar amount of which is higher than the micro-purchase threshold ($10,000.00) but does not exceed the simplified acquisition threshold ($250,000.00).
Sole Source
A contract for the purchase of supplies or services that is entered into or proposed to be entered into by an agency after soliciting and negotiating with only one source, based on one or more of the following: a justification that a good or service is unique or proprietary (e.g., specialized software, patented materials or techniques); if a supplier has an exclusive agreement or territorial limitation; the requirement will not meet the criteria for competition; or public exigency or public emergency (i.e., imminent threat to persons or property) for the requirement will not permit a delay resulting from competitive solicitation.
A person or organization that provides goods or services to the UAT, used interchangeably with the term Vendor.
University Preferred Supplier
A Supplier with whom UAT has established a special arrangement to maximize the purchasing power of the University and reduce the overall cost of goods and services by establishing a University-wide master contract. Authorized UAT personnel who utilize contracts with Preferred Suppliers, as long as the agreement is still in effect, are exempt from participating in the competitive bidding process.
A person or organization that provides goods or services to the University, used interchangeably with the term Supplier.
Conflict of Interest
A. Purchases related to federal awards or federal pass-through subawards
All University employees who participate in the selection, award, or administration of a purchasing transaction related to a federal award or federal pass-through sub-award must be free from real or apparent Purchasing Conflicts of Interest (as defined in the Definitions above). If such a conflict exists, the purchase of goods or services from the supplier directly or indirectly (e.g. buying from a supplier through an intermediary company) is prohibited. This policy does not apply if the financial interest in the supplier is not substantial.
To protect a supplier’s right to confidentiality and UAT’s interests, competing suppliers must not be told the prices, terms, or conditions quoted by other suppliers. All UAT employees must respect confidentiality in all procurement activities.
Acceptance of Supplier Gifts, Business Meals, or Other Forms of Gratuity
University employees and members of their immediate family, in connection with the purchase or potential purchase of any goods or services that would be paid for using funds from a Federal financial assistance award, may not accept personal gifts, entertainment, or other form of gratuity from any supplier by any means, directly or indirectly, at any time of the year. This includes, but is not limited to, items of value, quasi-social invitations, credits for supplier promotions, etc.
Separation of Duties
UAT shall, to the extent feasible, separate the duties of purchasing, receiving, and authorizing payment for goods and services by distributing these duties among two or more people. If staff limitations require one person to be responsible for these functions, a supervisor must accept responsibility for monitoring and verifying the transactions.
UAT’s preferred and recommended method to obtain goods and services to conduct University business is the use of electronic purchase requisitions. Refer to UAT Purchases Policy the appropriate purchasing methods.
Purchase Requisitions
Electronic purchase requisitions are required for procuring most common goods and services. See the UAT Purchases Policy
Purchase Requisitions should be created prior to the receipt of goods or services.
Competition assures a mix of quality, service, and price that matches the stated needs of UAT. Accordingly, those involved in supplier selection have the responsibility to search broadly and completely for viable suppliers.
University Preferred Suppliers have already undergone a competitive bidding process conducted by the Procurement Department. Therefore, it is unnecessary for a department to initiate a competitive bidding process for these suppliers.
Diversity Suppliers
Every effort must be made to utilize diversity suppliers. These are suppliers who can certify they meet the standards for small, disadvantaged, minority, and/or women-owned suppliers set by the federal Small Business Administration.
Suspended or Debarred Suppliers
The Federal Government suspends or debars contractors to protect its interests. Other than a procurement contract for the purchase of a commercially available off-the-shelf item, UAT shall not enter into a procurement contract in excess of $35,000 with a supplier that is debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment by any federal executive agency, unless there is a compelling reason to do so.
Micro-Purchases may be made without soliciting competitive quotes, so long as the requisitioner considers the price to be reasonable. To the extent practicable, UAT distributes micro-purchases equitably among qualified suppliers.
Small Purchase Procedures Threshold (≥ $10,000 and ≤ $250,000)
In order to purchase goods or services from a supplier that is not a University Preferred Supplier that exceeds the Small Purchase Procedures Threshold but does not exceed $250,000, price or rate quotations must be obtained from an adequate number of qualified sources. To accomplish this, the University requires that at least one of the following actions occur:
Purchases > $250,000 on Federal and Federal Pass-through Awards
For purchases greater than $250,000 on federal and federal pass-through awards, the Requestor must make an independent estimate before receiving bids or proposals. To do so, complete Independent Cost Estimate Form.
Procurement shall perform one of the following actions:
As a recipient of Federal funding, UAT must perform a price or cost analysis in connection with every procurement action in excess of $250,000 including contract modifications charging a federal or federal pass-through award. The purpose of either analysis is to ensure the price for the goods or services is fair and reasonable and to avoid charging the Federal Government excessive costs for major procurement contracts. The method and degree of analysis may vary depending on the facts surrounding the procurement situation.
Departments are responsible for verifying the actual receipt of goods and services. A receipt of goods acknowledgement confirms that purchased goods and services were received/provided in the manner and quantity ordered. Prior to authorizing payment, the accounts payable personnel are responsible for verifying the receipt of goods/service.
Only UAT officers have signature authority to sign contracts, agreements, or other official documents to purchase goods or services on behalf of the University.
Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the President or the President’s designee, who is an officer of the corporation.
If a UAT employee believes that his/her actions have, or may have, violated University policy, he/she is advised to disclose the policy violation to his/her supervisor at the earliest possible opportunity. The supervisor is then further advised to consult with the Senior Controller or University President to review and address the issue.
If a UAT employee suspects that a violation of policy has been committed by another employee or a University supplier, they are advised to promptly and confidentially report the concern to their supervisor or the Senior Controller. The suspecting employee is advised NOT to confront the individual concerned directly. By following this process, confidentiality will be maintained, and the matter will be investigated promptly and appropriately.
Violation of University policies may carry disciplinary consequences, up to and including dismissal.
Revised 06/2022
University of Advancing Technology (UAT) will issue company credit cards to certain employees for use in their jobs. This policy sets out the acceptable and unacceptable uses of such credit cards. Managers can request a credit card for their employee by notifying the controller. The controller will then approve or deny the request.
Revised 03/2019
University vehicles are a shared resource and therefore will be treated with respect by all departments. Personal use of the vehicle is prohibited. Non-UAT employees and students are prohibited from driving UAT vehicles, no exceptions.
To operate the university vehicle, UAT staff must have a clean driving record with no infractions within the last 5 years. UAT vehicle reservations must be made at least 72 hours in advance to allow time for Organizational Development to check MVD driving records and add the driver to UAT’s insurance policy. This is not required every time a vehicle is reserved, but if 6 months has lapsed between reservations, requestors will be required to submit their licenses for an updated verification of clean driving record.
The University vehicle is maintained by Campus Operations, any damages or irregularities to the vehicle must be reported, in writing, to the President, Chancellor, or VP of Finance immediately for damages to be noted and repairs to be made.
All speed limits and traffic laws must be obeyed when operating the vehicle; drivers must be free of all drugs (prescription and non-prescription), alcohol, and illegal substances. Anything that impairs the driver to the slightest degree is prohibited while operating the vehicle. In the event a ticket is received, the driver must pay all fess associated with the ticket. Alcohol, illegal substances, and smoking are not permitted within the vehicle. This University vehicle policy also applies to rented vehicles and personal vehicles that are being used for university-related business.
The minivan is the default vehicle for transporting students to and from university-sanctioned events and competitions. The SUV is primarily for staff use and transport but can be used transport students in the event there are multiple events or a need to transport a larger number of students. The UAT work van cannot be reserved for use by anyone other than Marketing and Campus Operations.
Revised 02/2025
The Arizona Medical Marijuana Act does not require an employer to allow the ingestion of marijuana in the workplace. The possession or use of, or impairment from marijuana in the workplace will not be tolerated. If an employee uses, possesses, or is impaired by marijuana on the employment premises or during hours of employment, their employment will be terminated.
Any employee who is impaired due to a prescribed medication should notify their supervisor of any impairment that could pose a safety risk or affect the ability to work.
Employees will need to go home and use personal/vacation time if they require the use of medical marijuana during work hours. Employees should not return to work until they are no longer under the influence of marijuana. Should an employee use medical marijuana for a medical condition that is covered under ADA or FMLA, then the employee should formally request their time off be addressed following these policies through Organizational Development.
The University is not obligated to hire or continue to employ an individual who is a qualifying medical marijuana patient if to do so would cause the employer to lose a monetary or licensing benefit under federal law or regulation.
Revised 03/2019
Copy rules related to UAT can be found here.
Revised 02/2024
The University is bound by and is committed to compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of the United States Code. All personally identifiable education records, as well as information received by potential students and applicants, will not be sold or transferred to any entity not related to the University without the express written consent of the student or applicant. Remittance of contact information grants the University and its representatives the right to contact you via phone, email and/or direct mail.
UAT may provide information that is obtained regarding its users to third parties for University purposes only as required or permitted by law.
If you would like to opt-out/un-subscribe at any time from receiving information from the University, you may contact the Office of Admissions at
Revised 03/2019